Small Groups

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Spring 2024 Small Groups

We have two small groups this spring. Be sure to check when each group begins and when the deadline is! Please ask us for any questions.
Men's Group (Sign Up Here)
Women's Group (Sign Up Here)

What is a small group?

A small group is a way for us to grow as disciples of Jesus by sharing our lives with a small group of people. We do this by having intentional conversations and practice responding to and obeying God in our daily lives.

Are fellowships and small groups different?

A small group is different from our fellowships in that it is not based on your age or stage in life but rather focuses on certain topics or Bible study materials. Small groups help us to interact with others that are at a different life stage than us! Both are great avenues for us to grow as followers of Jesus.

Why should I join a small group?

If you find it hard to plug-in to a church community after you graduated college, you are not alone. In today's society, all of us struggle to find a place where we can belong. A small group is a place for us to know and be known so that we can practice loving one another. "Carry each other's burden, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ" (Gal 6:2)

What is the level of commitment?

Each small group will last for 3-4 months. We will offer a new cycle of small groups each season(summer, fall, and spring).